12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Дерюгина Елизавета Витальевна203
Россия, Пермский край, Чайковский

When entering workshop, pick up your hearing and eye protectors and immediately report to the workshop supervisor. Always listen carefully to the teacher and follow his instructions. When learning how to use a machine, listen very carefully to all the instructions given by the teacher. Ask questions, especially if you do not fully understand. Check that any tools you have been using have been put away in the appropriate spots, cleaned up your work area and notify the workshop staff. Always use a guard when working on a machine. Do not use a machine if you have not been shown how to operate it safely by the teacher.

What will be your behavior in the workshop? Do not run in the workshop, always be patient, never rush in the workshop. Also you should know where the emergency stop buttons are positioned in the workshop. Every person entering the workshop must put on an apron as it will protect your clothes and hold loose clothing such as ties in place, be sure that he or she wears good strong shoes. Training shoes are not suitable. Bags should not be brought into a workshop as people can trip over them. Long hair has to be tied up including fringes. Remove rings and loose jewellery before operating machinery they can be a hazard.

Прочитайте текст и определите  истинность (True) или ложность выражения  (False):

  1. Every person entering the room must put on an apron and be sure that he or she wears good strong shoes.

  2. After the work check tools, cleaned up your work area and notify the workshop staff.

  3. Always listen carefully to the teacher and follow his instructions.

  4. Put on rings before operating machinery they can be a useful.

  5. When entering workshop, put off your hearing and eye protectors and immediately report to the workshop supervisor.

Задание 2. Установите соответствие выражений с картинкой


  • Safety helmet must be worn

  • Safety gloves must be worn

  • Protective footwear may be worn

  • Goggles must be worn

  • Protective jacket must be worn

  • Ear protectors must be worn

  • Respirator must be worn

  • Protective trousers must be worn



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